Laura R.

Laura’s Story
I’m 48 years old. Two years ago I was working 60+hours a week at my hotel management job, volunteering with physically and mentally disabled and enjoying life.
Things changed literally overnight.
With pain everywhere, headaches , difficulty walking and double vision. Over a few months and many appointments my doctor decided I was”a lazy woman ” who didn’t “want to work “.
By this point I could no longer lift a glass or even a fork to feed myself.
I tried a few new doctors and was finally diagnosed with PMR and GCA. Treatment; steroids.
I am working hard at putting the PMR and GCA in remission but the side effects of steroids long term are almost as bad. A life threatening infection, steroid induced diabetes, osteoporosis just to mention a few.
I’ve always been the giver, the helper, the one sending positive thoughts.
Friends and family are not understanding my being ill and for the first time in my life I’m needing uplifting to keep going.
When pain allows I crochet. I spend a lot of time at doctors appointments and am about to have a surgery that will require a rehab stay also so I do a lot of simple crosswords, and I just got my first adult coloring books.
I read historical romances or anything I can get my hands on. Blue is my favorite color and I love any scent for the season. I have celiacs so I can’t eat gluten.
Diagnosis: : Polymialga Rheumatica, Giant Cell Arteritis, Hashimotos, Steroid induced diabetes….
Birthday: February 4th
Interests/Likes: Crochet/ Crosswords/ Blue
Mailing Address:
Laura Ro.
992 Hershey Road
Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022