
Helen’s Story
My Aunt Helen is the sweetest lady I have ever met. I have never heard her say a mean word, I have never seen her mad. In fact I have never even seen her cry.
She is 91 and never had children, I am her niece and she is my heart.
She does not have a year left on this earth and maybe only a few short months but for the time she has left I want her to be showered with love and good thoughts.
Thank you for caring!
Aunt Helen loves the color purple. She loves butterflies. She likes to read and knit.
She loves flowers and all things bright and colorful 🙂
Her weakness is jewelry so we keep her away from catalogs and jewelry stores 🙂
Diagnosis: ALS
Birthday: July 6th
Interests/Likes: Purple, Butterflies, Reading, Knitting, Jewelry
Mailing Address:
C/O ShareaCard.org
992 Hershey Road
Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022