
Elizabeth’s Story (as told in her own words)
Update- August 2012- The Crohns is out of remission, surgery is imminent. The pain is unbearable most days. Thanks again for all the support. All the cards/ gifts/ thoughts and prayers are very appreciated. I read and keep everything sent. Hope to be well enough so I can send cards and gifts one day.
My name is Elizabeth and I am 44 years old. I have Crohn’s Disease, Interstitial Cystitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia–however recently diagnosed with 4 cysts that range from a lemon to a grapefruit.
I live in Florida beside my restaurant (BBQ) that I took over 8 years ago. My grandfather started the business in 1948. I have been married to a wonderful man named, Michael for 17 years, who has supported me through everything. He really does love me, I know this now. We have no children, I have miscarried many times due to bad health.
My niece Morgan is the light of my life, she is 5 going on 20, lol. When she smiles at me, all of my pain seems to fade away for that moment. She means more to me than life its self, so I cherish every moment I get to spend with her. I pray that she is never diagnosed with Crohn’s. It is hereditary and her father has it also. He is in remission right now and has had one surgery. I also asked God to let me bear anything, so my brother would never suffer like I have had to.
I have several cats. My favorite colors are: hunter green, mint green, burgundy, turquoise, pastel pink and yellow. My favorite scents are: floral, cinnamon, vanilla, and the smell of fresh baked sugar cookies and of course my bbq (when ribs, chicken, or turkey are in the smoker). When I am feeling good: I love to write, read, make cards, scrapbook, rubber stamp, and paint ceramics. I also try to spend as much time as I can at my restaurant.
Thanks in advance for reading my story and all of your thoughts and prayers. The last time I was really sick–those of you who sent cards and gifts, you’ll never know how I appreciated it. It gave me so much hope, not to mention cheering me up–especially when having more bad days than good.
I want to spend this Christmas with my family and make it the best one ever, then schedule surgery for early January. Please pray for me, as I am scared to death.
Diagnosis: Crohn’s Disease, Interstitial Cystitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia
Interests/Likes: Cats, Hunter Green, Burgandy, Floral Scents, Reading
Mailing Address:
Elizabeth F.
C/O Shareacard.org
992 Hershey Rd.
Elizabethtown, PA 17022