
Brenda’s Story
Update August 2012- “My health condition has not changed other than to have added one or two things. I am having a lot of problems with dizziness and being off balance and having falls. I am now on oxygen full time and have to carry a portable one in the car when I go out anywhere. Receiving all the cards and little gifts are so sweet and kind and they sure do bring such a joy to me when I receive them. I actually sit here and go through them a couple times to continue enjoying them. They are so beautiful and the ones from the children just really bring tears to my eyes of happiness that they care as much as they do, to do something like this. It tells you also that they come from a kind and loving home.”
I have had asthma and COPD because of smoking in my younger days. I am on oxygen at home and when I go out. I have developed arthritis which has become severe over time. I have had a total knee replacement and a back surgery. Even with all that I now have permanent nerve damage in my back and legs. I am 57 years old and lucky that I have a great hubby who helps out with everything and 2 children if I need them.
Comments: My life revolves around picture taking and scrap booking as well as card making. I also make what I call “birth blankets” for friends or gifts when someone is having a new little one. Crafting has always been a part of my life.
Diagnosis: COPD with asthma, Nerve damage in both legs and difficulty walking.
Birthday: April 10
Interests/Likes: Photography/ Card making
Mailing Address:
C/O ShareaCard
992 Hershey Rd.
Elizabethtown, PA 17022